Monday, December 28, 2009

The blessing is in the potatoe.....

Yesterday Kim slices this potato in half and there is an image of a cross on the inside. Pretty cool, eh! So many times when things like this happen people think it's a 'sign from God' ..... just google Jesus in the clouds, Jesus in the tree, Jesus in ..... you pick and you'll see how wild people get over what the call a sign from God...... In the middle of thinking how crazy those people were, honesty right, I realize maybe sometimes I am the same. No, I don't plan to preserve this potatoe and have people pay to look at it, but sometimes I am looking for God to do huge things to feel blessed and forget the daily blessings. Is that potatoe a blessing form the Lord? Sure is.... as long as you cut it up and eat it. Thank God today for the things He does for you every day! Starting right now!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Socks and Service

Who says you can't mix service and fun... I had an absolutley insanely good time this weekend at the lock in and Christmas Mission Project. I look forward to us being able to do more service oriented youth projects in the near future. It should feel really good to know that you raised over $200.00 to buy clothes and gifts for some kids that really appreciated it..... I hope everyone has an absolutely awesome Christmas!

1 Cor. 15:58 Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Crazy Socks..

Don't forget your wild and crazy socks for the sock exchange Friday night!

This FridAy nIgHt !!

Hey Guys, just wanted to let you know a few details about the lock in this Friday!
Friday night we will be helping serve the families of the students we have been tutoring at the banquet we are having for them. Then staying afterword all night for a lock in at the church. [Bring a change of clothes and something to sleep on] Saturday morning we will have breakfast, bible study and wrap presents for the kids. The Choir will be preparing food to take to the families. [Turkey Dinners...yum] Then around 11 we will split into smaller groups and deliver gifts and meals. We will have a Christmas meal arounf 12:30 back at the church. Should be done around 1:30 or so......see ya.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

An opportunity to sacrifice......

Just a little reminder that we need to get our money in by next week [Wed, Dec. 9th] for our Youth Christmas Mission Project. That means you have almost 1 whole week to be creative and think of ways to raise money to give away.... Also get ready for our Christmas Lock in on the 18th and 19th. [Thats' a Friday and Saturday.... we should be finished on Saturday by 2]

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10