Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tye Dye Afterglow

We will be tye dying shirts tonight after church for the Bible Retreat.... so wear old clothes.

Canoe/Kayak Digital Waiver

Here is a link that everyone needs to go to and fill out. If you are under 18 a parent needs to fill it out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bible Retreat Color Teams [Updated 6-27-14]

Blue Zebra’s   [Jake Gourley] [M]

1.       Zachariah Spears [S]

2.       John Knight [L]

3.       Britney Keeling [M]

4.       Marsha Lindon [M]

5.       Tommy Toadvine [M]

6.       Levi Smith [M]



Peace Warriors   Camo Pattern[Kevin] [L]

1.       Courtney Timberlake [M]

2.       Elizabeth Durham [M]

3.       Dillard [M]

4.       Josh Reardon  [L]

5.       Isaiah Fralix [M]

6.       Justin Cummings [M]

7.       Angel Hacker [M]



Rednecks   [Lauren] [M]

1.       Calvin Hamilton [L]

2.       Madison Fralix [M]

3.       Megan Moore [M]

4.       Melissa [L]

5.       Derek [L]



Flower Power   [Reva T-vine] [S]

1.       Gavin [S]

2.       Abby Fultz [S]

3.       Morgan Gourley [M]

4.       Jasmine Hamilton [M]

5.       Elijah Spears [S]


Jeremy  McCowan

James Fultz


Monday, June 23, 2014

Cabin Info. Bible Retreat 2014

Bible Retreat Schedule 2014

Bible Retreat 2014

Sat   June 28, 2014

12:30________ Arrive at church
1:00__________hit the road for Bagdad
2:30-5______Arrive at Cabin /unpack settle in
5:00 _______ Group meeting
6:15   ______ Personal Devotion…
WB pgs. 2-6  ‘A Heart That Is Powerful’

6:15 ________Supper
7:00  _______ Guys/gals Bible study #1
‘A Heart That Is Powerful’
8:30_________ Group worship
‘The Heart is Powerful’ ‘Jeremy McCowan’
9:30______     Color Retreat Teams Announced 
10 ________     cRaZy GaMeS #1  
Midnight_____ Beauty Sleep

Sun   June 29th, 2014

8:00_______      Priority Praises
8:30_______      breakfast and fellowship

9:15_______   Personal Devotion
WB pgs. 10-11, Select 3 verses from Prayer Exercise 5 on pg. 13. Re-write them using your name and then turn them into a prayer toward God.      

10________ Guys/Gals Bible Study
‘A Heart That Is Prayerful’     

11 ________ Group Worship #2
Heart that is Prayerful  ‘Jeremy McCowan’

12:00-4:00_______ Lunch / Fellowship
4:00-6:30________ Team Video Productions
‘The Heart is…………

6:30______________ Grill Out
8:00 _____________ cRaZy games #2
11:56______________ Eyelid Theatre

Monday   June 30th, 2014

8:00_______ Priority Praises
8:30_______ Breakfast

9:00________Personal Devotion
Lesson 3 A Heart That Is Pure
WB pgs.22-25
10:00______ Leave for Canoe Trip
12:00______  Picnic Lunch
1:00 – 4:00_______ Canoe Trip
4:00_______ Back at cabins

5:00_______ Supper
6:00_______ Guys/Gals Bible Study
‘A Heart That Is Pure’

7:00 _______ Group worship #3
A Heart That is Pure ‘Jeremy McCowan’

9:00_______  Team challenge #3
Team voice switch commercials

Tuesday July 1st

8:00_______  Priority Praise
8:30_______   Breakfast
9:15________     Personal Devotion
‘A Heart That Is Spirit Filled’
WB pgs. 38-40
10________ Guys/Gals Bible Study
‘A Hear That is Spirit Filled’    

11:00 ______ Leave for Chinese Food 
1:00 _______ Salato Wildlife Center
4:00_______ Back at cabin 
6:00_________  Supper

7:30_________ Group worship #4
‘A Hear That is Spirit Filled’ ‘J. Mac’

Wed. July 2nd
8:00______     Breakfast
By 9:00… non-essentials packed in trailer 
10 ________     Leave for Hurricane Bay  
7-8:00 ____    Estimated Return Time

Youth Bible Retreat Supply List 2014

2014 Youth Bible Retreat ‘What Should I Bring List’
June 28th-July 2nd

1.   A Bible, A Journal and 2-3 pens. Each youth will get a Bible Study Guide for this week, but you will need a journal for the messages, activities and group Bible studies.

2.  Toiletries [toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo]

3.  Bug spray, sunblock  [we will be doing several outside activities]

4.  Beach shoes, comfortable tennis shoes, flip-flops. These are all just recommendations since we will be doing some hiking, canoeing and going to a waterpark.

5.  Cell Phones [note… they will have them only a couple of hours per day]

6.  Clothes… it will be hot. But please keep clothes modest. No short shorts or spaghetti string tops etc]

7.  Swimwear. [girls one piece, guys trunks] If you will be going to Hurricane Bay water park on the last day.

8.  12 pack of water OR 8 pack of Gatorade

9.  Medications with written instructions

Optional… Frisbees, Footballs, Basketballs, etc. For fellowship time. Fishing poles, there is a pond with fish beside the cabin.

10.              MONEY---- How much MONEY?
·                     We will be eating at a Chinese Buffet which will cost about $10
·                     If a youth chooses to go the Hurricane Bay, tickets will be about $30
·                     We will stop on the way back from Hurricane Bay at a fast food restaurant. $5-10
·                     All other expenses will be covered!

·                     $50 dollars should cover all necessary expenses. If youth would like drinks at the water park etc., they should bring a little more.