Friday, November 27, 2009

Sunday Night Bible Trivia Review Available...

Just click on the link below.......There you will find all you need to prepare yourselves for BIBLE trivia..
I hope you guys have had a great time giving thanks over the past couple of days, and continue to do the same!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sacrifice to serve?

Hebrews 13:15-16 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

As believers there should be a strong desire in us to see others experience the grace of God through Jesus Christ, so the gospel should be ready on our lips. Inseperable from the gospel on our lips should be the visible gospel in our lifestyles. Think about it this way.... when a non-believer sees' the way we live, we want them to be curious, to wonder why we are different and don't look or act like the rest of the world. Since we are naturally selfish, unselfishness that is lived out will stand out. Today it seems like everyone has an angle, everything they do is ultimately for their own good.... but what if a bunch of radical Christian teens started sacrificing their time, resources and energy to serve the people around us and expected nothing back? What if they dreamed of ways to do something incredible for someone who needed it, rather than considering how they could get what they wanted? Crazy huh? Shouldn't we as a youth group and a church serve in such a way that we would be sorely missed in our community if we shut down the doors? Shouldn't I live in such a way that if I were gone, people would miss more than my personality? Think about it.......

Monday, November 9, 2009

Picture of the week

Anyone notice any similarities? Have a little fun and caption the above photo. Be nice Kayla!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Save that change......

Just a reminder to everyone to be saving your pennies and dollars.

Wednesday night I challenged everyone to raise 20 dollars without just walking up and asking your parents for it. The money you raise will then go to buy Christmas presents and provide food for a few local families. We will deliver these meals and gifts on the day of our Christmas lock-in!

Youth Music Review

And Now.................for our first ever youth music review. Over the next few months we will have various youth doing reviews of Christian Albums.
This weeks review is by Kayla Davis....enjoy!
Addison Road: self-titled debut album I’d give it three and a half stars out of five. It’s very uplifting and encouraging. If you’re having a bad day or don’t feel connected to God, this could possibly help. “Hope Now”, which is track number four, gave me a reminder that God is always there and that He loves me unconditionally. My favorite tracks are a tie between “All That Matters” or “It Just Takes One”. I could listen to this album anytime. It’s great no matter what mood you’re in. Check it out!