Thursday, September 3, 2009

WIDDG Devo 3

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Is delight a decision or an emotion? Can we will ourselves to 'feel' a certain way. Throughout scripure God instructs us to 'feel a certain way..... 'delight in the Lord, Rejoice in the Lord always, be joyful always' .......... but we can not simply will ourselves to 'feel' a certain way. We may make ourselves appear to be happy, we may for a short time deceive ourselves into thinking we're happy. Long term delight & joy is not a result of having strong willpower, or just making a decision to be happy. If what i just said is true, then how does God expect us to obey Psalm 37:4?
Remember to post your answers or questions in your journal!!!

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