Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday WIDDG Devotion

John 15:11
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

This is a very familiar passage of scripture that is placed directly in the context of Jesus' teaching on the importance of remaining in intimate fellowship with Him if we are to bear fruit, obeying His teachings, and loving one another deeply. 'These things' identifies these exact teachings, but also on a larger scale, it identifies all of the teachings that Jesus gave..... Think about this, God gave us the scriptures that our joy may be full! That's awesome to think about, as long as we remember our joy is found in Christ.

Does this verse mean that we will find a deeper joy in Christ as He reveals Himself to us?

Explain why you answered the way you did, use scripture to answer.
Have you ever looked at the Bible from the perspective of one if it's puposes being to teach us how to best enjoy Christ?

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