Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Afterglow this Wednesday is named correctly. We will welcome the 7th graders into the youth group for worship and continue to hang out afterword at Kevins house. Bring a bag of Marshmallows if you like. We will have everyone home by 11pm. We will provide transportation home if needed!

VALUABLE Relationships

Pro 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Hang out with wise people! No I'm not talking about someone with a high IQ or someone from the AP Calculus class. Gods' Word describes one who is wise as someone who 'fears God'. To fear God is to reverence Him, to stand in awe... see Him as high and exalted, to want to please Him.

That is true wisdom. A fool 'says there is no God.' Many times they say this by simple indifference toward God, their lifestyles simply exclude Him. One thing plain in this proverb is..... you will be like the people you spend a good deal of time with. What type of friends are you seeking? Are you a 'wise' person? Can others benefit from being around you? So many times we fail to see just how valuable the friendship of a strong believer is. Make an effort to invest in that type of friendship, work for it, work at it. Invest your time and energy in it! We know from this verse what the results will be!

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Addition to BLOG

Notice on the right side of this blog that there is a new link for pictures.
This should make viewing and downloading much easier. Just click a link for the pictures you would like to see!

Biscuit Holes!

For everyone who is still wondering what a biscuit hole is, here is your answer.

Sleep IN !!!

The most incredible night of sleep ever is the 1st day after the bible retreat. Especially for youth who can actually sleep in the next day. The trigger words for this year will

be... Simple, Serve, Gods' Faithfulness, 600 steps, stinking brakes , tubing the grass and rocks, bubbles, plumbing, turtle, biscuit hole, ...if I missed any help me out in the comment section. The one thing I always miss after bible retreat is the togetherness that is built while there. Let me say again... work to continue building stronger relationships with others who love Christ, it in invaluable! See... I miss you guys already!

Welcome Night for 7th graders! This Wednesday at 7 in Youth Room. Afterglow to follow immediately after youth, details to come. Read Titus 2:3-8 as you prepare for Wednesday nights bible study!

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Pix from Friday

Day out today..

We will be leaving the cabin this morning at 8 for Amicalola Falls. We will do a couple of devotions at the state park and a scavenger hunt, plan on being back around 4. Maybe they have cell phone service there!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tubing and Youth Olympics

Youth Prepare Breakfast

Good Morning.

Everyone is doing wonderful. Last night during worship we talked about what it means to be a servant of God. What does it mean to serve God? We hear that alot don't we. You need to serve God. What can I do to serve God. Too many times we think that being a servant comes with a title, or a specific job description. Biblically speaking being a servant is alot more about a mindset than a title or good deed. It is about surrendering our will do Gods' will on a daily basis. How good are we at submitting? I challenged the kids to think about this. Everything in us wants to put ourselves first, everything in our culture even promotes selfishness, even their parents, maybe you, puts them first. You want the best for your kids and so do I. But does that mean giving them everything they want, involving them in every opportunity out there, making sure they are comfortable, never challenged? So that is where they live, so it is foreign to them to grasp that everything needs to be about God, that serving Him is about putting 'others needs' above theirs, when the world is screaming it is all about you. Christ is Lord! Master! Boss! That means he comes first! Pray that God would open all of hearts to that truth today, and every day because it is a continual battle! God bless you.

We didn't get in yesterday til about 6, but we had fun getting here. One stretch of road we were on was 22 miles of curves and mountains. One van had to pit stop and let the brakes rest! The cabin is incredible. Can you hear the water?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We made it.

just wanted to say we are safely to the cabins. Getting settled in a nd prepared to eat and worship.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Yes, I know that I just guaranteed that every youth will read this post! Good. I will be posting updates on this blog throughout the trip this week, so check back often to see what's going on.
The phone number directly to the cabin is
They recommend that we bring some pre-paid phone cards for out going calls...So let me add that to the list of things to bring.

Be at church by 8:32am Wed, June 24th

Bags packed? of course not! You'll be screaming for mommy to take you to Wal-Mart at midnight on Tuesday night. But it is here. Time to get away, jump out of the routine of our everyday life and spend time in awesome fellowship with God and everyone that goes with us.

I would like to challenge everyone to make a point of getting to know at least one person that they don't know very well. K?

Check out ALL of the links under the 'Summer Retreat' on this site. I would especially advise you to take a good look at the map of the Apiclola Falls Park, it will come in handy on Saturday...hint...hint....

If you have any last minute questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you love the world?

Just a little advice here guys, don't go to the book of Hosea looking for information on 'How to find my future spouse.' Hosea was a prophet of God. God did soemthing very unique with Hosea, he used his life as an illustration to His people, and since it was recorded as Scripture, to us also.

He instructed Hosea to go find an adultress for a wife, someone who would continually cheat on him! Why? Because He wanted His people to see that they too had cheated on Him, been unfaithful, chased after their own passions....wanted what they wanted! Read Hosea chapters 1-3 as you prepare for the message tonight from James 4:4.

Movie night!!! After youth we will be getting together to hang out and watch 'The Ultimate Gift.' Good movie! It will be at my house. If you need us to take you home after, we can do that to. You should be home by 11. Can you say buttered popcorn and Cokes. I knew you could!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Scavenger Hunt Clue #1

Over the next few weeks I will be doing a blog scavenger hunt! All you have to do is follow the clues. When you feel like you have answered the question, or found the clue, just send me an email with the answer. At the end of the hunt I will announce the winner and give away a CD or other prize. Have fun! In the event of a tie, someone gets all answers equally correct, then the person who submitted them the earliest breaks the tie! Here we go...... [yes adults can play too...you have to give your prize away!] james@nhbcky.org

Throughout the bible marriage is clearly portrayed as being between a man and a woman. Never between members of the same sex. However the bible does give us one other picture of a marriage........ who is it between. Give me a reference verse and explain how the 2 marriages are alike.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Can you believe that! Next week people. I will be posting a list of what you need to bring to the bible retreat in the next few days. I am contemplating taking a canoe fishing trip. We can get a 1 week fishing license for 7.00. So be thinking about if you would like to go fishing... more info soon!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Journey to the Center of the Earth

What caption would you put under this picture....... be very careful here! Place it in the comments section below.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Last night we were challenged by the truth of Scriptures to consider that the source of the majority of our arguments, fusses and fights come from our own sensual desires. Simply put, most of the time we have conflict because we simply are not getting what we want! I pray this truth from Scripture translates into less conflict as I consider my motives 'what am I really upset about' when there is conflict in my life.

I had a blast playing soccer after church! I really got caught up in the UFO.......no I didn't get abducted! I'm talking about Upward For Oldies, youth vs. foagies! I learned that Jayme may forgo teaching to begin her professional soccer career. That Erica does a pretty good job taking pictures and that it's pretty hard to stand up when the grass is wet. Anybody requesting a rematch? Anybody want to work the ticket booth next time, I guarantee we were at least as entertaining as old reruns of C.H.I.P.S. [Don't know what CHIPS is? hint..it has nothing to do with potatoes!] Looking forward to next week.......

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wednesday Reminder

Don't forget to dress accordingly... we will be playing soccer after youth! EXTRA!!! EXTRA !!! Meal at 6!!! Meal at 6!!! Hot Dogs -n- Chips!

We will have watermelon after the beat down, I mean soccer game. Also if their is rain and or lightning then our soccer & watermelon nightmelts into a movie night at my house... either way hope to see you there!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Whine, pout or plot revenge?

What happens when you don't get what you want? Seriously, think about that for a minute. When something doesn't go the way you like how do you react? Do you get mad? Do you get whiny? Do you start plotting how you WILL get what you want? Whether it's watching the TV program we want, going to a particular restaurant, getting to sleep in late, or just not getting the freedom you think you deserve ... our natural reaction to not getting our way is, well....sinful.

Join us for youth this Wednesday as we look at this through the lenses of scripture...

James 4:1-3 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Join us after youth for a soccer game between the youth workers... and the youth. Bring your own oxygen, and some for me too! After the game we will drown our sorrows in watermelon..... watch Josh as he bobs for seeds.......

Friday, June 5, 2009

Caption This Picture !!!!

In the comments section below add your own caption to this photo... have fun!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:17-18

After digging in scriptures to see what God has to say about wisdom, and considering how Gods' wisdom is so upside down from the worlds, we need to continue to evaluate our own lives to see what kind of wisdom we practice. The results will give us our answer.....chaos,, arguments, division or obedience, peace and humility?

I had a blast last night at the DQ after we were rained out at the Gotta STOP or 'dairy dip' if you like. Someone still needs to explain to me why a fingernail is nasty the second it is clipped, but not nasty while still on your finger! looking forward to next Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Good Wednesday morning! Our Ice Cream 'social' will be at the Gotta Stop tonight after youth. This executive decision came after much input from the peanut gallery, thanks guys.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A new tin can

Are you ready? Starting this Wednesday..June 3rd Afterglow begins! Afterglow will be each Wednesday directly after youth. It will be a chance to just hang out and have a little fun. I will take anyone who needs a ride home on the bus..... You should be home between 10-11. This week we will all be going out for ice-cream....yummmmyyummy. Next Wednesday it's youth workers vs. youth soccer. Foagies will dominate!