Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you love the world?

Just a little advice here guys, don't go to the book of Hosea looking for information on 'How to find my future spouse.' Hosea was a prophet of God. God did soemthing very unique with Hosea, he used his life as an illustration to His people, and since it was recorded as Scripture, to us also.

He instructed Hosea to go find an adultress for a wife, someone who would continually cheat on him! Why? Because He wanted His people to see that they too had cheated on Him, been unfaithful, chased after their own passions....wanted what they wanted! Read Hosea chapters 1-3 as you prepare for the message tonight from James 4:4.

Movie night!!! After youth we will be getting together to hang out and watch 'The Ultimate Gift.' Good movie! It will be at my house. If you need us to take you home after, we can do that to. You should be home by 11. Can you say buttered popcorn and Cokes. I knew you could!

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