Tuesday, June 30, 2009

VALUABLE Relationships

Pro 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Hang out with wise people! No I'm not talking about someone with a high IQ or someone from the AP Calculus class. Gods' Word describes one who is wise as someone who 'fears God'. To fear God is to reverence Him, to stand in awe... see Him as high and exalted, to want to please Him.

That is true wisdom. A fool 'says there is no God.' Many times they say this by simple indifference toward God, their lifestyles simply exclude Him. One thing plain in this proverb is..... you will be like the people you spend a good deal of time with. What type of friends are you seeking? Are you a 'wise' person? Can others benefit from being around you? So many times we fail to see just how valuable the friendship of a strong believer is. Make an effort to invest in that type of friendship, work for it, work at it. Invest your time and energy in it! We know from this verse what the results will be!

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